New Fish order 2-14-25
Koi Grade A
Sirasa Goldfish
Clown Plecos
Jumbo Ear Half Moon Beta
Black Night shrimp
Electric Blue Balloon Rams
Gold Back Yellow Shrimp
Green Jade Shrimp
Clown Loach Medium
New Fish Order 1-16-25
Congo Tetra
Yo-Yo Loach
German Blue rams
Khuli Loach
L-129 Zebra Pleco
Rummynose Tetra
Neon Tetra
Red Tail Cat 3″
Sterbai cory
Black spot Hujeta Gar
Cherry red shrimp grade A
New Plant Order 1-13-25
Anacharis leaded
Hornwort leaded
Red Rotala leaded
Banana plant
Java fern med
Java fern full mat
Water sprite indian fern
Water sprite laceleaf
Jungle VA
Red root floater
Dwarf baby tears
Monte Carlo
Anubias nana petite
Anubias Small drift wood
Anubias large Driftwood
Assorted pot mix x20
Coco fiber mat 3×3 square baby tears
coco fiber mat 3×3 dwarf hairgrass
Christmas moss
Red Mangrove
New Fish and plant order 11-21-24
Anacharis leaded
Hornwort LEaded
Rotala red leaded
Water sprite indian fern sm and large
Mystery Snails
Java Moss
Jungle VA bunched
Red root floater portion
Monte Carlo
Pearl Weed
Pennywort japan dwarf
Micro Sword
Anubias Large and small driftwood
Ludwigia Super red mini leaded
Java fern on small driftwood
Ludwigia red leaded
True Aquatics pot mix
Baby tears giant leaded
Amazon sword sm
Amazon sword med
Temple plant leaded
Mixed sowrds large
Anubias Coffeefolia medium
Banana plant regular
Glofish Barb
Assorted Tetra Glofish
Red Glo Angel Red
Fancy Angel Med
$ line pictus cat
Synodontis cat
Red tail cat
Panda Cory
Neon Tetra
Sterbai Cory
Pigeon Blood Discus
Rummynose Tetra
Discus Assorted
Columbian Snowball pleco
Royal Pleco
Yellow Pleco
Bushynose pleco
Gibbiceps Pleco
Red Dragon Dumbo Ear male guppy
Assorted Female guppy fancy
Red Gourami red fire male
Assorted Oranda
YoYo loach
Koi Sword
Male congo tetra
Killie Gold
Bumble bee platy
Black sailfin molly
Rainbow shark 1.5″
Reg turquoise rainbow
Columbian Tetra
Rosey Tetra
Blood mary shrimp
New Freshwater Shipment w/exotic plecos
Dalmation Molly
Gold LYre Molly
Orange Sailfin Molly
Orange Black Tux Molly
Gold Leeri Gouramis
Zebra Danios
ORange Koi Angels
Flah Platy
Guppy Kohaku Variety
Snakeskin Blue Tuzedo Albino
Zebra Pleco
Snow White Ancistrus
Citocolate Ancastrus
Lemon Drop Longfin
LG Albino Longfin
Long White Blue Eye
Blue Phantom Pleco
Snowball Pleco
L91 Triactis Pleco
New Plant Order
Ludwigia red
Rotala Red
Scarlet Temple
Dwarf Lilly
Anubias Hastifolia
Anubias Nana Gols Clump
Java Fern Medium
FE Water Sprite Laceleaf Large
SW Grandfolias rangeri
SW Melon Medium and Large
Jungle VA
Red Root Floater
Dwarf Baby tears
Monte Carlo
Pearl Weed
Micro Sword Clump
Anubias on Small Driftwood
Anubias on Large Driftwood
Coco Fiber Mat 3×3
Christmas Moss
Red Mangrove
True Aquatics Plant mix x 25
Nana Petite Pot x10
August 9th 2024
20 new Axolotls 5 GFP 3″ and 15 albino 2″ all eat bloodworms
75 new Koi and Ryukin
New Fish Order 7-22-24
Red/Black Fancy Oranda
Panda ORanda
Mix jelly bean parrots
Mix Crystal shrimp
Albino Acar heckelii
Full red guppy albino male/female
Assorted corys
Assorted Malaysian Discus Med/Sm
Red eye lyretail sword tail
ORanda Assorted
Ranchu assorted
Mix African cichlid 3″ very colorful
Assorted Discus
Assorted OScar
African Elephant nose
Glass neon tetras
New Fish and Plant Order 7-12-24
Cherry barb
Panda cory sm
Juli cory
Green terror sm
Green ruby hap sm
Sunshine peacock sm
female betta
Male Betta Halfmoon and Dumbo
Albino Bichir
Algae Eater gold
Red honey gourami
Red/Blue neon Gourami
Paradise gourami
Killie fish flag
Hap moori
Cat glass
Giant danio
Marble angel sm
Common pleco 3″
Albino bushynose 1.5″
Rummynose tetra
Rainbow albino shark 1.5″
Blala Shark 2″
Asst. baloon molly
Anarcharis leaded
Hornwort leaded
Rotala red red leaded
Temple plant leaded
Scarlet temple leaded
Ludwigia white leaded
Tiger lotus sm
Anubias coffeefolia lrg
Anubias nana gold clump
Java fern medium
Water sprite indian fern
water sprite laceleaf
Aponogeton madasgascar
VA Jungle
Portion Azolla
Portion cup Salvinia
Guppy grass
Red root floater
Poprtion cup dwarf baby tears
Portion cup monte carlo
pearl weed
pennywort japan
Anubias on lava rock
Chirstmas moss
Red Mangrove
New Fish Order 5-23-24
Assorted cichlids
Watermelon pleco xl
Medusa pleco
Amarillo pleco
Beacon pleco
Blue phantom pleco
XL Dantum Angel
Juli Cory
Cardinal tetra
Blue Diamond Discus
Black Angel Med
Red firetail guppy male
Guppy asst female
Electric blue german ram
Dwarf gourami male
Common pleco
Red Tiger Oscar
Velvet sword tux
Black panthom tetra
Rainbow shark 3″
Cherry barb albino
Heckelli cichlid
Black Molly
German blue ram
New Plant Order w/ koi 5-10-24
Grade A koi 4″ many different colors nice!
Pot Mix 20 different pieces
Anubias Coffeefolia large
Anubias Nana Petite
Red Mangrove
Anacharis leaded
Baby tears giant leaded
Hornwort leaded
Hygro Blue leaded
Ludwigia Dark red leaded
Rotala Green LEadedChirstmas mossportion cup
Water sprite Indian Fern large
Water sprite laceleaf
Java Moss
Pink HArdy Water Lily
Almost Black Red Hardy lilly
Lady Red Tropical Water lily
BLue Tropical Water Lily
Peaches And Cream Water Lily
Purple Spray Water Lily
Mystery Snails
Banana Plant
Tiger Lotus
Micro Sword
Water Onion
Baby Tears Giant portion cup
New Plant Order 4-5-24
Anubias Coffeefolia lrg
Anubias Mixed Medium
Anubias Nana large
Anubias On Driftwood
BO Lucky Bamboo Curly
BO Lucky Bamboo Straight
BU Ludwigia Dark Red LEaded
Cryptocoryne Balansae Medium
Cryptocoryne Undulata Medium
FE Java Fern half mat
Java moss portion cup
Mystery snails albino and Black
Portion cup baby tears giant
Portion cup PEarl weed
Portion cup penny wort japan
Portion cup red root floater
Anubias pot mix
Nana petite pot
True Aquatic Pot mix
Red root floater
SW Altlandsberg Sword Med
SW Sparkle Medium
SW Swords Mixed Medium Echinodorus sp
VA Jungle bunched
New Fish ORder 3-4-24
CLown Loach Med
Blue Emperor Tetre
Synodontis cat sm
Blue Zaire Frontosa sm
Rummy nose tetra
Julli Cory sm
Green tiger platinum barb
Creamiscle Lyretail Milly
Malaysian Discus Med and L x12
Oranda Grade A Show
Mix African Cichlid nice colors med
Blue PEacock Cichlid med nice colors
OB Peacock Med nice colors
Red cap Kohaku Male Guppy
New Plant order 2-9-24
Albino axolotl with black eyes 3 weeks old eats pellets
Anubias Coffeefolia large
Anubias nana gold clump
Anubias nancon large
Red Mangrove
Venus fly trap 3″
Anacharis leaded
Hornwort leaded
Java fern half mat
Water sprite lacelaf medium
Guppy grass 1/2 lb
Fiddler crabs
Mystery snails
Tiger eye snails
Hairgrass dwarf
Water onion dwarf
Dwarf baby tears portion cup
monte carlo portion cup
pearl weed portion cup
pennywort portion cup
nana petite pot
true aquatics pot mix
Chain sword broadleaf
SW melon medium
SW ozelot red medium
Red melon medium
New Fish Order 2-6-24
Black Molly
Colombian Tetra
Black Angel MD
Punctatus Cory
Raphael Cat Spotted
Common Pleco 4″
Blue Phantom L
Royal Pleco sm
Assorted Platy
Duboisi Tangan
Hap Moori African
Red Crab crustacean
Koi Sword
Assorted ORanda 10″
Rainbow Shark 2″
Fancy Angel reg
Bolivian Ram
Electric BLue Ram
Bushnose Pleco lrg
Yellow pleco
New Fish order 1-25-24
Guppy asst female
Guppy asst male
Red Eye Tetra
Neon Tetra
Common pleco 4″
Assorted platy
Black Molly
Odessa Barb
Tiger Barb lg
Skunk cory cat
EB Jack Dempsey sm
Red fire male gourami
Neon Swordtail
Rainbow Albini shark 3″
Silver Hatchet Tetra ML
New Fish and Plant Order 12-8-23
Asst. Molly
Fancy guppy male and female
Dumbo ear guppy green male
Lemon guppy male
Moscow blue male guppy
Red Rose asst guppy male
Assorted platy
Juli cory sm
Common pleco 3″
Bloodfin tetra
Dwarf puffer
Endler red male
Balloon ram cichlid
German blue ram
Red crabs
Anubias coffefelia
Java fern half mat
Hairgrass dwarf clump
Anbias on small driftwood
Anubias on large driftwood
Chain sword broadleaf
Oortion cup baby tears
Portion cup monte carlo
Portion cup pearl weed
Portion cup penny wart
Java moss
Red mangrove
Mystery snails
Freshwater fiddler crabs
Pot mix true aquatic
Nana petite pot
Anacharis leaded
Hydro blue
Ludwigia dark red
Ludwigia red
Scarlet Variegrated
New Fish Order 11-17-23
Angel Veil Silver ML
Skunk Cory
Red Spot Gold Sverum
Tiger Barb lrg
Red fire male gourami
Red rose male guppy
Black Molly sm
Fancy guppy female
Rainbow platy
Cardinal tetra
Serpae Tetra
YO-YO loach
Rainbow shark albino
Damasoni mbuna sm
New Plant order 10-20-23
Calico ryukin
Anubias coffefolia large
Anubias nana large
Aponogeton Ulvaccus large
Red mangrove
BU Anacharis leaded
Mixed bunched plants
Java fern half mat
Water sprite indian fern
Freshwater fiddler crabs
Mystery snails
Banana plant
Tiger lotus small
Micro sword clump
Water onion dwarf small
Baby tears giant portion cup
Monte carlo
Pearl weed
Pennywort japan dwarf
Hairgrass dwarf
Nana petite
True aquatics pot mix
Jungle bunched Val
Assoted small pieces of driftwood
New Fish order 10-13-23
Kohaku Guppy pair
Japanese endlers
King Koopa Nerite snail
Gold nugget pleco
Asst male Aulocara cichlids 3″
Sunshine pleco
Acanthius hystrix
Vampire Pleco
Imperial tiger pleco
Sonia pleco
Albino Dantum Angel Very nice rare
New Fish Order 10-11-23
Black Angel
Gold Angel
Fancy Guppy male and Female
Common Pleco
Cardinal Tetra
Congoa Male import Tetra
Rummynose tetra
Juli Cory
Panda Garra
YoYo loach
Bamboo Plant
Pennywort portion cup
Red Point honduran cichlid
Pundo Hap African
Java Moss
New Fish 9-22-23
Red root floater
Guppy fancy male and female
Blue reg gourami
Platy assorted
Red Eye tetra
BLack skirt tetra
Dumbo Male Betta
Double Tail Half moon beta
New Plant Order 9-15-23
Anubias Coffeefolia medium
Anubias nana medium
Anubias Large Driftwood
Anubias small driftwood
Red Mangrove
Dwarf baby tears on small lava rock
Java fern on large lava rock
java moss
Mystery snails
Banana plant
Dwarf baby tears
Monte carlo
Pearl Weed
Pennywort Japan dwarf
Red root floater
Nana petite pot
True Aquatic pot
Amazon sword med
Amazon sword Xlarge
Chain sword broadleaf
Marble queen Radican large
V.A. Contortion bunched giant corkscrew
New Fish Order 8-28-23
Assorted Malaysian Discus 4″
Assort Peacock cichlid male
Assorted aluona peacock male
Rasbora Galaxy
Blue Emperor Tetra
Green Tiger Barb
Assorted corys
Algae Eater siamese small
Trinidad pleco
Blue flame dwarf gourami
Fire Eel 1′
Red Phantom Tetra
Sewellia Lineolata
Assorted Oranda
Assorted Lobsters multi colored
Assorted Oscars 2″
New Plant Order 7-27-23
Anubias petite loose
Banana plant
Java moss
Red root floater
Val biwaensis
Anubias nana potted
New Fish order 7-14-23. Arrives sometime today!
Sunshine pleco
Lemon oscars
CLown plecos
Vampire pleco
Hap Moore 4″
Albino corys
Green moss barb XL
BLue tiger parrot
Electric blue jack dempseys
Electric blue rams
Red OB Peacock
Pink Sugar Peacock
Blueface strawberry peacock
Red dragon peacock
Ngara peacock
Steveni Taiwan reef
Black devil Acan
Black spiny pleco
New Fish Order 6-12-23
Assorted Peacock cichlid
Albino Angelfish
Polar Blue Convict
Clown loach
Blue emperor Tetra
Samurai Gourami
Bulgarian Seal Point Angel
Panda Garra
Red devil Crab
Cardinal Tetra
Albina Red eye pleco
Tropical Pleco
Red Eye Lyretail swordtail
Sterbei Corys
New Plant order 8-9-23
Baby Tears
Ludwigia Brevipes
Ludwigia Palustris triple red
Ludwigia Repens
Mayaca Vandelli
Red Tiger Lotus
Rotala rotundifolia
Mixed Foreground
New Fish Order 4-10-23
King Kamfa Flowerhorn 3.5″ x4
Tiretrack Eel
Peacock Aulona
Redtail Tiger shovelnose 3″
Golden Silver flying fox
Redtail Cat 2″
Assorted Koi Grade A
Ghost tricolor crayfish red/white/blue
Black widow frontosa
Blue zaire frontosa
Vampire Crab
Harlequin Rasbora
Malausian Discus
Panda Loach
Red and Black Moor
Titanium Flower Horn
Assorted Lobster
New Plant Order 4-7-23
BU Anacharis leaded
BU Baby tears giant leaded
Scarlet Variegated
VA Jungle bunched
Anubias coffeefolia mdeium
Java fern full mat
Water sprite Indian fern medium
Water sprite laceleaf small
Micro sword clump
Anubias on driftwood small and large
True aquatic fancy assorted
Venus fly trap
Chain sword broad leaf
Portion cup Azolla Caroliniana
Portion cup duckweed
Portion cup red roof floater
Portion cup monte carlo
Java moss 1/2lb
Banana dwarf cavendish
Mystery snails
Arrow Arum green
Lily Wanvisa peach
Lily Yellow Bangpra
Lily James Brydon Red
New Fish order 4-5-23
Bumble cat
Raphael spotted
Carpintis reg cichlid
German blue ram
Venustus hap
Salvini 3-5″
Sunshine peacock sm
Juli cory
Assorted oranda
Dumbo ear Red dragon guppy male
Red Mosaic Male guppy
Black Sphenops molly
Silver L/T
Dumbo male betta
Halfmoon Betta
Crowntail Male
Dwarf puffer
Spotted Puffer
Borneo Pleco
Bushynose albino pleco
Flyer cat pleco
Orange seam pleco
Yellow pleco
Cardinal Tetra
Red Eye Tetra
Rummy nose tetra
common pleco
Koi sword
Pineapple molly
Dalmation Molly
New Plant Order 3-2-23
Anacharis LEaded
Anubias Coffefolia Med
Anubias Nancon Small
Anubias on large driftwood
Anubias on small driftwood
Baby Tears giant leaded
Banana Plant
Chain Sword
Cryptocoryne Mixed Large
Dwarf Aquarium lilly
Hornwort leaded
Java Fern Large
Java Fern Medium
Live Mystery Snails
Ludwigia Dark Red LEaded
Micro Sword
Portion Cup Pearl Weed
Portion Cup Pennywort Japan Dwarf
Red Root Floater portion cup
Nana Petite pot
True Aquatic Pot
Red Mangrove
Sagitaria Narrowleaf
Tiger Lotus Small
New Fish Order 2-8-23
Blue Gourami
Koi Butterfly 3″
Bosemani rainbow med
Gold dojo loach
German gold ram
Flower horn sm
Common Pleco 3″
Asst mystery snails
Halfmoon beta male
Calico bushy nose pleco sm
Skunk cory ml
Blue diamond shrimp
Albino cory sm
Green cory sm
Otocinclus sm
Geo Jurapari cichlid
Gold Kribensis sm
Frontosa sm
Tiger barb lrg
Dumbo ear green dragon guppy male
fancy female guppy mix
Yellow Pleco 3″
Ghost pleco l
Medusa pleco L
New Plant Order 1-13-23
Anacharis leaded
Anubias Coffefolia medium
Anubias nana petite on small lava rock
Anubias on large driftwood
Anubias on small driftwood
Cardinal plant
Chain sword broadleaf
Christmas moss
Java moss
Jungle bunched
Kleiner bar
Mystery snails
Tiger eye snails
Lucky Bamboo curly
Lucky bamboo straight
Ludwigia red leaded
Nana petite potted
True aquatic pot
Red mangrove
water sprite
Water sprite laceleaf
New Fish order 1-9-23
Assorted peacock cichlids
Sterbai corys
Tank raised cardinal tetras
Black ghost knife
Assorted Malaysian discus
Blue Peacock cichlid
New Fish Order 11-21-22
Assorted Peacock Large Medium and Small great colors
Royal Knife Fish Lrg
Red Tail cats sm
Electric Blue Ahli lrg
Clown Loach ML
Blue Emperor Tetra sm
Roseline shark sm
Asst Malaysian Discus Med L
Reg plecos med
Red Jacob Cichlid
Sulfur head
Panda Angel sm
Electric blue ram sm
New Plant Order 11-18-22
Anacharis leaded
Anubias nana large
Anubias nana medium
Anubias nancon lrg
Anubias Nancon med
Baby tears giant leaded
Chain sword broadleaf
Christmas moss
Dwarf red stemmed parrot feather
Guppy grass
Hydro blue leaded
Java fern full mat
Java fern on sm lava rock
Mystery snails
fiddler crab
Java moss
Udwigia dark red leaded
Oriental medium
portion cup
Ture aquatics pot
Scarlet temple
Water sprite indian fern xlarge
New Cichlid and fish shipment 9-26-22
Sulfurhead peacock
Electric Blue Ahli
Red Empress
Kawanga Gold Zebra
Nikhomo Benga Peacock
Golden Angelfish
Polar Blue Parrot
Lemon Longfin Blue eye bushy nose
Red apple crab
Cory Sterbai
Indian Dwarf puffer
Panda loach
New Fish order 9-22-22
Crowntail Female betta
Longfin betta male Premium colored
Cobalt blue gourami
Flame Dwarf Gourami
Hillstream loach
Green Corys
Melini Corys
Four line pictus
Florida pleco med
Clown pleco lrg
Royal Pleco med
Red tiger oscar sm
Tiger oscar med
Zebra danio sm
Tiretrack eel
Live blackworms
Red ryukin goldfish
Assorted koi
Blue delta guppy male
Blue delta guppy fem
Balloon Lyretail molly
Red sunset sailfin molly
Iridescent shark
Redtail shark
Bloodfin tetra
Ember tetra
Neon Tetra
Penguin tetra
Black and purple Vampire crab
Electric blue crawfish
Vanilla crawfish
New plant order 9-9-22
Mixed bunch plant
baby tears giant leaded
ludwigia dark red leaded
nesaca golden leaded
mixed anubias
frazeri anubias
sagiataria dwarf
cryptocoryne mixed
cryptocoryne lucens clump
java fern large lava rock
anubias on lrg driftwood
java fern on large driftwood
true aqautic pot mix
venus fly trap 3″
Swords mixed med
cardinal plant
hairgrass giant clump
hairgrass dwarf clump
Littorella uniflora clump
tiger lotus small
mystery snails
freshwat fiddler crabs
White hardy Albida lilly
barbara dobbins peach hardy lilly
Charlene straw yellow hardy lilly
New Fish Order 8-26-22
Blushing Tiger Barb
Butterfly Betta
Aneus Corydoras
Female Assorted Guppy
Tuxedo Pink Guppy
Neon Tetra
New Plant Order 7-17-22
Anacharis leaded
Cabomba Leaded
Hygro blue
Hygro pinna
Ludwigia red
Anubias coffefolia large and medium
Anubias mancon medium
True aquatic pot mix
Anubias nana petite
venus fly trap 3″
Banana plant
Anubias small drift wood and large driftwood
Portion cup christmas moss
Java moss
Java fer nhalf mat
Water sprite indian fern
watersprite laceleaf
micro sword
tiger lotus small
mystery snails
fiddler crabs
New Freshwater order 6-27-22
Discus BLue brilliant
Discus MArlboro red
Benga peacock
Flametail peacock
Polar blue convict parrot
Koi sanke
Assorted guppies
Assorted jumbo swordtail
Koi peacock
Red Jacob PEacock
Sulfurhead peacock
Albino tiger oscar
Panda Angel
New Plant order 6-5-22
Large Anubias
Cryptocory Lucens
Anubias large driftwood
Anubias small driftwood
Banana Plant
Mixed Swords
Red root floater
Java Moss
Java fer nhalf mat
Nana petite
Java fern windelov
Tiger lotus
Pearl Weed
Wdnditi red
Crypt flamingo
Nana gold
Altlandsberg sword
New Fish order 5-19-22
Bumblebee cat
Synodontis cat 4″
Pleco common 4″
Bushynose albino pleco tiny
Yellow Pleco Lrg
Cardinal Tetra
Neon Tetra Jumbo
Blue Diamond Discus 1.5″
Albino Rainbow shark
Kuhli loach
Red honey gourami
Tangerine crayfish
Blue Crayfish
German Ram
Electric Blue Ram
New Plant order 4-26-22
Blue hygro
Willow Hygro
Banana Plant
Anubias Coffeefolia
Anubias Nancon
Dwarf baby tears
Anubias on small driftwood
3″ venus fly trap
True aquatic pot
Bloadleaf Chain sword
Marble queen Radican large
Duckweed portion cup
Water sprite laceleaf
Red Mangrove
Tiger lotus
Tigers eye snails
Myster ysnails
Fiddler crabs
Water lilly yellow, red, peach, pink
New Fish order 4-23-22
Flame dwarf Gourami
Cherry barb
Green platinum tiger barb
Assorted corys
Plecos reg florida
Synodontis tiny
Ryukin goldfish
Fancy guppy
bb puffer
Rainbow shark
Cardinal tetra
Congo tetra
Green fire tetra
cherry shrimp
amano shrimp
New Fish Order 3-28-22
Discus pigeon blood striped
Discus red marlboro
Blood Parrot sm
Red Head Angel lrg
Clown Loach med
New Fish Order 3-17-22
Albino Bushynose tiny
Galaxy pleco
Royal Pleco lrg
Pleco 4″
Spotted Rafael
Panda cory
Sterbal cory
Clown loach
Dalmation Molly
Red Honey gourami
Tangerine crayfish
Blue Crayfish
XL Swords
Ryukin goldfish
PEarlscale goldfish
Bala shark sm
Red Hook lrg
Siamese algae sm
Black angelfish
Albino tiger barb
Gold Molly
New Plant order 3-11-22
Baby Tears
Hygro Araguaia
Hygro Blue Leaded
Ludwigia Dark Red Leaded
Sagittaria broadleaf
Sagiattaria dwarf
Anubias on small lava rock
Anubias on small driftwood
Anubias on large driftwood
Chain sword broadleaf
Red melon
Java moss
java fern half mat
water sprite laceleaf
Fiddler crabs
spider wood sm, med, lrg
True aquatic pot
New Cichlid Shipment 3-7-22
Zebra ice blue
Haplochromis moori
Taiwan Reef
Red Empress
OB Peacock
Blue Dolphin
Wiliamsi Blue Lips
Red Top Hongi
New Plant and fish Order 2-10-22
Fancy guppy female
Dumbo ear guppy Green male
Cherry barb
Tiger barb med
Albino Cory
Panda cory
Koi 5-6″
Bushynose pleco lg
Snowball pleco md
Yellow spot pleco
Blue phantom pleco
Bushynose pleco 1″
Cardinal tetra
Neon Tetra xl
Von rio tetra
Scissortail rasbora
Clown Loack 2″
Blue Ram
Red point honduran Cichlid
Electric Blue Acara md
Pictuc cat 4line med
Double tail Half moon beta male
Anubias Nana Petite on small lava rock
Baby Tears
Banana Plant Lrg
Dwarf Baby Tears on sm lava rock
Araguaia Hygro
Blue Hygro
Pinna Hygro
Java Fern full mat
Java Fern on Lrg Driftwood
Java Fern on Sm driftwood
Jungle bunched
Ludwigia Peruensis
Mixed bunch plants
Ture Aquatic pot
Red Melon medium
Tiger lotus medium
Water Sprite laceleaf med
Spiderwood MEdium Rhododendron
New Order 1-24-22
Dragon Red discus 4″
Peacock Blue Cichlid
Sulfur head cichlid
Taiwan reef cichlid
Assorted swordtail
New Plant Order 1-14-22
Giant Baby Tears
Anubias small coffeefolia
Nana golden anubias
Narrowleaf Sagittaria
Blue Hygro
Vesusvius medium
Red meton medium
Java fern full matt
Tiger eyes snails
Mystery snails
Cardinal plant
Hairgrass dwarf
Mint charlie
Baby tears giant
Rotala red
Anubias on large driftwood
Anubias on small drfitwood
New Shipment 1-12-22
Albino paradise gourami
Powder blue gourami dwarf
Cherry barb
SKunk botia
Angelicus botia
Bubmlebee catfish
Green dragon longfin bristlenose pleco
Blue phantom pleco lrg
Clown pleco
Dragon pleco
Synodontis catfish
Fire eel
Tiretrack eel
Live blackworms
Ryukin goldfish
Assorted koi 5-6″
Dalmation lyretail molly
Gold panda molly
Red belly pacu
Leopard puffer
Albino rainbow shark
red tail shark
black neon tetra
Bleeding heart tetra
Bloodfin tetra
Diamond tetra
Emperor tetra
Electric blue crawfish
Dwarf blue lobster
Vanilla crawfish
New Shipment 1-3-22
Peacock Sunburst
Moori Cichlid
Sulfur Head
Red Empress
Oranda Jellyhead Goldfish
Pearlscale Goldfish
Pombo Hap
New Plant Order 12-10-21
Anacharis leaded
Giant Baby Tears
Blue Hygro
Cuba Ludwigia
Dark Red Ludwigia
PErsuensis Ludwigia
Anubias Coffeefolia
Anubias Nana Golden
Sagittaria Broadleaf
Sagitaria Dwarf Bunched
Anubias on Lava Rock
Anubias on small driftwood
Anubias on Large Driftwood
Orientel Medium
Red Melon Medium
Java Moss
Java Fern Water Sprite Indian fern
Water sprite lace leaf
Cardinal plant
Four leaf clover
Hairgrass dwarf
Micro Sword
Water onion
Mystery Snails
Fiddler Crabs
True Aquatic pot